Opening a Job
To edit the fields in a job data sheet, you must open the job. There are several ways to do this.

The easiest way is to click on the link in the notification e-mail you received when you were assigned the job or sub-job. This will take you directly to the job without a search query or filter. If you no longer have the e-mail or want to open the job later, look under the bell icon next to your initials for the notification and click on the link in it to open it.

You can also use the dashboard as a starting point for your activities in the Jobs module. In the dashboard, at a prominent location at the top of the My Active jobs (ToDos) heading, you will find a list of all the jobs that are currently assigned to you. Click on the job you want to process next and you will be taken to the job page with the data sheet. See Dashboard.

To filter and sort the list in the job overview, you can use the filter and search functions. You can filter by type, category, or other criteria and sort by individual columns. This way you can find and prioritize the jobs that are important to you.
To open a job or sub-job, double-click on its name. Alternatively, select it in the job overview and then click on Edit in the action bar. After you open the job or sub-job, you will see the job page with the data sheet.

Previously it was only possible to make a selection in Job Overview and then click on a job action in the toolbar. You can now access job actions directly through a context menu and we have also added an option to edit jobs in new browser tabs. Right-click any job or a selection in the job overview to access these actions:
Edit in a new tab

You can now open and edit jobs in new browser tabs while keeping your current view intact.
Go to the job overview, > Jobs > Search.
Right-click any job to see the new context menu.
Select Edit in a new tab to open the job while keeping your current view.
This allows you to:
Reference multiple jobs simultaneously
Make changes without losing your place in the job list
Compare job details across tabs

In the data sheet of a parent job that is already open, switch to the Sub Jobs tab. Here you will find all sub-jobs that belong to this job. To open a sub-job, double-click on its name. The sub-job will open in a new window, where you can edit or execute it. To open the parent job or sub-job from an open sub-job, click on the job name above the sub-job name in the title of the data sheet at the top.